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No extension of the firework ban zones on New Year's Eve

Fireworks and rockets are part of the New Year celebrations in most places in Saxony-Anhalt. There are only a few bans. And it should stay that way.

A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician.
A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician.

Municipalities - No extension of the firework ban zones on New Year's Eve

In Saxony-Anhalt, people will once again be allowed to set off fireworks in most places on New Year's Eve this year. As in previous years, fireworks are only banned near hospitals or half-timbered houses, according to a survey of local authorities in the state conducted by Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

In the city center of Quedlinburg, for example, the setting off of fireworks is prohibited. This is to protect the historic half-timbered houses. According to the town, there is a legal ban in the vicinity of fire-sensitive structures such as half-timbered houses. The old town of Quedlinburg has been on the World Heritage List since 1994. The same applies to the city center of Wernigerode with its half-timbered houses.

There are also similar regulations in other cities in Saxony-Anhalt, for example in Bitterfeld-Wolfen around and on the Bitterfelder Bogen. In most municipalities, however, a ban on fireworks is not an issue. Gerbstedt (Mansfeld-Südharz), for example, said that, as a unified municipality, there had been no reason for this since it was founded. The town of Braunsbedra (Saalekreis) said that people should decide for themselves.

The town of Wernigerode (Harz district) has said that it is not planning any further prohibition zones beyond the legal ban in the town center. However, such initiatives are supported from an ecological point of view, as a city spokeswoman said. After all, setting off fireworks puts additional strain on the environment.

In Naumburg, a draft law is to be submitted to the local council next year that provides for a ban on fireworks around the Unesco World Heritage Site Naumburg Cathedral as well as for the spa facilities in the town of Bad Kösen.

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