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No evidence of flu epidemic in Hamburg so far

It's pre-Christmas and cold season. Health experts are advising at-risk patients in particular to get vaccinated against coronavirus and flu. There is still no flu epidemic - unlike last year.

A doctor holds a syringe with the Influvac Tetra flu vaccine over a vaccination card.
A doctor holds a syringe with the Influvac Tetra flu vaccine over a vaccination card.

Hygiene Institute - No evidence of flu epidemic in Hamburg so far

In recent weeks, the number of confirmed flu infections in Hamburg has been significantly lower than in the previous year. From the beginning of October to the beginning of December this year, a good 2,700 cases of influenza were counted, according to the latest Infekt-Info from the Hamburg Institute for Hygiene and Environment. In the same period last year, there were just under 59,060 cases. "So far, there are no indications of an incipient flu epidemic," says the report on the current infection situation.

The influenza figures are indeed still low, said Professor Julian Schulze zur Wiesch, Head of the Infectious Diseases Section at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). "Based on the data from previous years, this is to be expected - a seasonal influenza wave in Germany usually only begins in January."

Last year, in contrast to previous years, the flu wave started very early from October and had two peaks. This shift was probably also a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, said Schulze zur Wiesch - "possibly due to possible catch-up effects and the lifting of various coronavirus restrictions for the first time at the time".

The current number of Covid-19 cases is classified as relatively high in the latest Infekt-Info. According to the social authorities, significantly fewer infections were registered from the end of November to the beginning of December than in the same period last year. "However, a comparison of these figures is not very meaningful, as far fewer people are now being tested than a year ago. It is therefore assumed that the number of unreported cases is high," emphasized the social welfare authority.

Schulze zur Wiesch assumes that high incidences of Covid-19 in particular can still be expected in the coming weeks. "The basic immunization of the population through vaccinations or previous infections with Sars-CoV-2 is at least so good that fortunately the vast majority of Covid-19 infections are not severe or lead to hospitalization." Nevertheless, it is important to protect people with an increased risk of a severe course of a virus-related respiratory disease.

Infect-Info Hamburg

Read also:

  1. Despite the lower flu cases in Hamburg this year, there's no sign of a 'flu epidemic' interfering with the city's 'environment'.
  2. The 'previous year's level' of flu infections in Hamburg was significantly higher than this year, with over 56,000 cases reported.
  3. The University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) has noted an improvement in 'health' indicators, as 'Covid-19 cases' have been relatively high but less severe, thanks to vaccinations and previous infections.
  4. In Hamburg, while 'fewer infections' were registered during the 'cold season' this year, the number of unreported cases is estimated to be high due to reduced testing.
  5. The report suggests that the 'Coronavirus' played a role in the 'shift' of the flu wave last year, with an early start and two peaks, possibly due to "catch-up effects and lifting of coronavirus restrictions".
  6. The Hygeine Institute warns against assuming that the 'Diseases' are under control, as the 'Corona' pandemic and 'Covid-19' cases may still pose a threat during the 'flu epidemic' season, particularly for those with an increased risk of a severe course.


