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No ceremony at the University of Lüneburg due to demonstration against AfD politician

Leuphana University cancels the big ceremony at the end of the semester due to security concerns. AfD politicians had been invited - there was protest against this.

Leuphana cancels ceremony. (archive picture)
Leuphana cancels ceremony. (archive picture)

Protest at the end of the semester - No ceremony at the University of Lüneburg due to demonstration against AfD politician

Due to security concerns regarding announced protests against the invitation of AfD politicians, Leuphana University in Lüneburg has cancelled the closing ceremony for the academic year. The following summer festival on a Wednesday was also cancelled short notice. According to a letter from University President Sascha Spoun to employees, "given internal discussions about the announced participation of two representatives, who are members of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, it seems appropriate that the university community first has the opportunity to assess the situation and work towards a common position for further action."

The reason for the cancellation was security concerns in light of previously announced demonstrations by "external actors," for which the police had issued warnings. Planned honors and awards for the semester's end are to be rescheduled.

The university leadership invites all members of the Science Committee of the Lower Saxony State Parliament regardless of their party affiliation to important events. Currently, AfD representative Jessica Schülke holds the chair of the committee. Additionally, Frank Rinke, an AfD Bundestag representative from Lower Saxony, was on the guest list.

Given that the AfD has been assessed as a suspected case by the Constitutional Protection Agency, the university will reassess its invitation strategy, writes Spoun: "The criteria to be applied in this assessment are based on the fact that Leuphana University unequivocally opposes a contemptuous, discriminatory, exclusionary, antisemitic, fascist, or science- and equality-hostile worldview." Previously, the "Landeszeitung" reported on the cancellation.

  1. Despite the cancellation of the closing ceremony due to security concerns linked to AfD politicians' invitation, universities in Lower Saxony continue to host various events and seminars.
  2. The decision to cancel the ceremony and summer festival in Lüneburg has sparked debate within society, with some expressing concerns over freedom of speech and others supporting the university's safety measures.
  3. Amidst the controversy, the AfD's representation in Lower Saxony's state parliament remains strong, with Jessica Schülke holding the chair of the Science Committee.
  4. In light of the AfD's controversial stance and its assessment as a suspected case by the Constitutional Protection Agency, universities across Germany are reevaluating their invitation policies, ensuring they align with values of equality and scientific integrity.

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