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No application for cannabis cultivation so far - Three new posts

Cannabis clubs are allowed to grow weed collectively - but this is likely to take some time. In any case, there are no applications from Brandenburg yet.

Cannabis associations can apply for licenses for legal weed cultivation (archive image)
Cannabis associations can apply for licenses for legal weed cultivation (archive image)

Society - No application for cannabis cultivation so far - Three new posts

The Health Ministry in Brandenburg does not expect a flood of applications for Cannabis cultivation at present. As of Monday, associations can get started that want to produce larger quantities in so-called cultivation cooperatives. However, they must first apply for a permit with the authority.

As of now, there has been no application from Brandenburg at the responsible State Labor Protection, Consumer Protection and Health Authority (LAVG) for processing. "We have to wait for the next few weeks," said a spokesperson for the Health Ministry. "It is a completely new task for all federal states."

The LAVG is responsible for the approval of Cannabis cultivation cooperatives and their supervision, as well as for the enforcement of ordinance violations. For the new tasks, three new positions will be created, as the Ministry announced. These will be advertised soon.

Proof of Permission Required

Cannabis cultivation cooperatives must provide several documents and preparations for an application for Cannabis cultivation. For example, a health and youth protection concept must be present, leadership certificates must be available, and a prevention officer must be appointed.

Brandenburg Authority not competent for application from Berlin

The only application that has been filed with the LAVG so far came from Berlin. However, Brandenburg, according to the Ministry, is not responsible for this. The decisive factor is initially the location of the Cannabis cultivation cooperative, not the planned location of the Cannabis cultivation.

People who want to cultivate grass together can apply for a corresponding license at the district offices in Berlin. According to the Health Administration, applications and documents will be processed within three months after receipt. It was unclear, however, whether the district offices were prepared for this.

The Brandenburg Health Ministry in Potsdam reported that there are still no experiences nationwide as to how much time should be planned for processing applications. The LAVG provides an online application form for applications.

Three months after the release of Cannabis for adults and the private cultivation with numerous requirements, a second stage came into force on July 1, 2023. Now, non-commercial cultivation cooperatives with up to 500 members can start.

Adults can then cultivate Cannabis together and give it to each other for personal consumption after obtaining a permit. Legally provided are also regular controls.

  1. Despite the announcement in Potsdam for larger-scale Cannabis cultivation in Brandenburg, no applications have been submitted to the LAVG yet.
  2. The Berlin authority, not Brandenburg, is responsible for processing the only application received so far for a Cannabis cultivation cooperative.
  3. To apply for Cannabis cultivation in Berlin, individuals need to provide various documents, including a health and youth protection concept, leadership certificates, and the appointment of a prevention officer.
  4. The Health Ministry in Brandenburg is still gathering experiences nationwide on how long it takes to process Cannabis cultivation permit applications, with applications and documents expected to be processed within three months.

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