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No all-clear yet for flooding in the Osnabrück district

According to the district of Osnabrück, the all-clear cannot yet be given for the flood situation. Although the water levels have fallen in the past two days, heavier rainfall is forecast for the coming days, the administration announced on Friday.

Flood - No all-clear yet for flooding in the Osnabrück district

According to the district of Osnabrück, the all-clear cannot yet be given for the flood situation. Although the water levels have fallen over the past two days, heavier rainfall is forecast for the coming days, the administration announced on Friday.

According to an initial assessment, there have been 167 flood operations in the district between December 23 and 28. One firefighter was so seriously injured that he had to be treated in hospital. In most cases, cellars had to be pumped out or fallen trees had to be cleared. According to the information provided, the emergency services were called out most frequently on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day.

Flood information for the district of Osnabrück

Read also:

  1. Despite the improvements in the flood situation in Lower Saxony's Osnabrück district, residents should remain vigilant due to the forecast of heavier rainfall, potentially causing further disasters.
  2. The recent floods in Osnabrück district have resulted in various emergencies, with a total of 167 flood operations being carried out between December 23 and 28, including serious injuries to a firefighter.
  3. The district of Osnabrück, located in Lower Saxony, has been severely impacted by the floods, with numerous incidents requiring the attention of local authorities and emergency services.


