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Nine million euros allocated for the "Tolerant Brandenburg" project.

Since 1998, a network has existed in Brandenburg aimed at combating racism and right-wing extremism. The state government recently reviewed the past two years of its efforts.

Ein Bus des Landesdemokratiezentrums Brandenburg steht auf einem Demokratiefest in Rutenberg.
Ein Bus des Landesdemokratiezentrums Brandenburg steht auf einem Demokratiefest in Rutenberg.

Countering far-right ideology - Nine million euros allocated for the "Tolerant Brandenburg" project.

In the "Tolerant Brandenburg" initiative, the federal and state governments have funded more than 160 efforts against right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism, totaling over nine million euros during the last two years, according to a newly released report. State Chancellor Chief Kathrin Schneider (SPD) shared this information during a cabinet meeting, as per government spokesman Florian Engels. The Brandenburg Alliance against Racism towards Refugees and Migrant Workers now has over 250 supporters and members. Schneider stated that Brandenburg is facing multiple crises and that the "Tolerant Brandenburg" network is aiding the state.

Adopted in 1998 to address right-wing extremist violence, the initiative's network includes 51 partners dedicated to combating right-wing extremism and racism. There are seven active advisors. One of these programs is "Brandenburg Stands Up," launched to counter conspiracy theories in relation to Corona protest marches. Another project, "Benches against Racism," consists of roughly 225 benches in 92 Brandenburg municipalities, with many situated near town halls and district administrations.

The current report highlights the rise of the self-proclaimed "Kingdom of Germany," or Reichsbuerger scene. This group is attempting to establish a presence in Rutenberg, Uckermark. The Democracy Alliance in Rutenberg has been fighting against this endeavor and was presented with the award "Ambassador for Democracy and Tolerance" by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). The number of Reichsbuerger and self-governing citizens has increased from 650 in 2022 to 1000 in the last year, as per the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

The right-wing extremist party, AfD, seeks to end the "Tolerant Brandenburg" network. They assert that there is no distinction between actual right-wing extremism and democratic entities advocating for conservative viewpoints.

Read also:

  1. The SPD's State Chancellor Chief Kathrin Schneider discussed the success of the "Tolerant Brandenburg" project, which received over nine million euros from federal and state governments to combat right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism, during a recent cabinet meeting.
  2. In an effort to counter right-wing extremism and conspiracy theories related to Corona protest marches, the Brandenburg government launched the "Brandenburg Stands Up" program as part of the "Tolerant Brandenburg" initiative.
  3. The Democracy Alliance in Rutenberg, Uckermark, received the "Ambassador for Democracy and Tolerance" award from Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) for their efforts in combating the rise of the Reichsbuerger scene, which seeks to establish a presence in Rutenberg.
  4. Despite the success of the "Tolerant Brandenburg" network in combating extremism, the right-wing extremist party, AfD, has called for its disbandment, claiming that there is no distinction between actual right-wing extremism and democratic entities with conservative viewpoints.


