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Night remains "surprisingly calm" after storm warnings

The predicted heavy thunderstorms in Baden-Württemberg turn out to be less severe than expected. According to the police, the situation remains calm during the night and there are almost no weather-related operations.

A thunderstorm cell with dark clouds builds up in the sky and behind fields near Heilbronn.
A thunderstorm cell with dark clouds builds up in the sky and behind fields near Heilbronn.

Storm - Night remains "surprisingly calm" after storm warnings

With rainy weather during the night leading to Sunday in Baden-Württemberg, there have been no major damages reported. Nearly no thunderstorm warnings were given, according to the police presidencies who were asked about it in the morning. A police spokesperson from Offenburg stated, "we managed to avoid the heavy rain and thunderstorms." It was also "surprisingly quiet" in Aalen. A police spokeswoman from Heilbronn said, "we were lucky."

The German Weather Service (DWD) had warned of thunderstorm-like storms or hurricanes with maximum wind speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour and hail for Saturday evening and into the night on Sunday. In particular, in western Baden-Württemberg, storm or hurricane boons with peak wind speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour and hail were possible, it was stated. The meteorologists also warned of heavy rain with up to 50 liters and more per square meter within a few hours.

Despite the severe weather warning issued by the German Weather Service, the city of Stuttgart only experienced mild rainfall on Sunday. Contrary to expectations, Baden-Württemberg as a whole saw fewer thunderstorm warnings than anticipated, thankfully avoiding the heavy rain and storms predicted. The police in Stuttgart also reported a peaceful Sunday, with no significant weather-related incidents to manage.

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