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Niedersachsen: New central hub launched to combat cybercriminals.

In various regions, offenders are transferring their operations to the online world. In response, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice is revamping its public prosecutor's offices.

Kathrin Wahlmann (SPD), Justizministerin von Niedersachsen, spricht auf einer Pressekonferenz des...
Kathrin Wahlmann (SPD), Justizministerin von Niedersachsen, spricht auf einer Pressekonferenz des Landeskriminalamtes (LKA) Niedersachsen.

A verdict is forthcoming in the trial of Justice... - Niedersachsen: New central hub launched to combat cybercriminals.

In Lower Saxony's battle to combat cybercrime, the Ministry of Justice in Hanover is aiming to strengthen its arsenal. A new central office is being established, which will be based at the General Prosecutor's Office in Oldenburg. In the past, internet and computer crimes were managed by three separate prosecutors' offices in Gottingen, Osnabruck, and Verden. These entities have achieved notable progress in their investigations, as acknowledged by Lower Saxony's Justice Minister, Kathrin Wahlmann, in Hannover on Wednesday.

She said, "Although we've had some successes, we've observed that cybercrimes on the internet are growing more dangerous day by day. The criminal organizations have become increasingly sophisticated. It's almost a daily occurrence to see well-organized digital attacks targeting businesses, government agencies, and private individuals. These offenses can potentially harm everyone, leading to massive damage." The internet has seemingly transformed into "a hangout for global gangs specializing in organized crime."

This new central office will have three divisions. The Ministry hasn't released any details about the staff members. With the introduction of the central office, Lower Saxony is making a strong declaration: "The internet will not be a lawless zone, and we won't let it devolve into one."

The "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" (HAZ) reports that the number of cybercrime incidents has significantly surged. The Police Criminal Statistics (PKS) for Lower Saxony recorded about 9,000 instances in 2020, but by 2023, this number had risen to over 13,000. This information was obtained through a query by the CDU faction in the state parliament to the Interior Ministry.

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