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NFL boss believes in football games in Germany after 2025

There will be at least one NFL game in Germany every year up to and including 2025. What happens after that? NFL boss Goodell has good news for German fans.

NFL boss Roger Goodell in Frankfurt am
NFL boss Roger Goodell in Frankfurt am

NFL boss believes in football games in Germany after 2025

NFL boss Roger Goodell has given German fans of the American football league hope that there will be more games beyond 2025. "I believe that there will still be games in Germany after 2025. We will not say goodbye to the markets that have been important to our growth. And Germany has been crucial to our growth," the 64-year-old told the German Press Agency.

Sunday's game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Miami Dolphins (21:14) was only the second game of the regular season ever to be played in Germany. Another game is already scheduled for Sunday (3.30 pm/RTL and DAZN) with the encounter between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts in Frankfurt. The league will host one or more games in Munich or Frankfurt every year until at least 2025.

"We always knew that Germany had a huge NFL fan base, but the intensity and passion for the sport has surprised even us a little," said Goodell. According to the NFL boss, around 4.5 million tickets could have been sold for the two Frankfurt games alone. "That would be difficult to achieve even in the USA," the league boss continued.

So far, Munich and Frankfurt have been the venues for NFL games in Germany. "We've had interest from other cities in Germany," reported Goodell, who could also imagine a game in the capital. "The first time we came to Germany, we came to Berlin in 1990. That was a friendly game, now we're talking about games in the regular season. There's no question that a game like that in Berlin could be successful."


