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News: AfD candidate Krah joins election campaign despite previous exclusion

In defiance of a ban on appearances by AfD leaders, European candidate Maximilian Krah took part in the election campaign. According to the "Bild" newspaper, Krah was seen in front of a shopping center in Dresden on Wednesday afternoon, donning a blue AfD jacket.

The names of the two leading AfD candidates for the European elections, Maximilian Krah and Petr...
The names of the two leading AfD candidates for the European elections, Maximilian Krah and Petr Bystron, can be read on a ballot paper in the postal voting office of the city of Mainz.

Legislative body debates and passes laws. - News: AfD candidate Krah joins election campaign despite previous exclusion

The AfD party's higher-ups took notice of it eventually. At first, the party leaders didn't say anything publicly about the matter, likely because it wasn't a significant happening.

"Bild" newspaper shared photos featuring the 47-year-old Saxon wearing a blue jacket with the AfD logo, clutching a coffee mug and a cigarette while standing beside a few folks and an AfD umbrella. The exact time when these pics were captured remains unclear.

Before May 22nd, Krah was forbidden from campaigning due to his controversial remarks about the SS. He had been facing scrutiny as well due to an espionage case involving a staff member and his connections with Russia and China.

Krah had previously consented to avoid public appearances. According to "Bild", Krah said, "Putting up posters for the local group in the absence of the media isn't a campaign engagement. It's just basic work."

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