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New Year's Eve rocket sets fire to undergrowth in Schwarzenberg

A prematurely fired New Year's Eve rocket has set fire to the undergrowth of a small wood in Schwarzenberg in the Ore Mountains. According to police reports on Saturday, the rocket was set off from an apartment building on Friday night. Remnants of it fell into a wooded area. A fire measuring...

A fire department vehicle arrives at the scene and is briefed by the fire chief.
A fire department vehicle arrives at the scene and is briefed by the fire chief.

Ore Mountains district - New Year's Eve rocket sets fire to undergrowth in Schwarzenberg

A prematurely fired New Year's Eve rocket has set fire to the undergrowth of a small wood in Schwarzenberg in the Ore Mountains. According to police reports on Saturday, the rocket was set off from an apartment building on Friday night. Remnants of it fell into a wooded area. A fire measuring around 25 square meters developed there. Volunteer fire departments from several villages arrived to fight the flames.

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