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New Year's Eve for police large-scale operation: debate about firecracker bans

New Year's Eve is always a challenge for the emergency services. But a year ago, they themselves were often the target of attacks. The police union GdP would therefore have liked to see significantly more bans on firecrackers in NRW.

A man lights a firecracker on New Year's Eve.
A man lights a firecracker on New Year's Eve.

Turn of the year - New Year's Eve for police large-scale operation: debate about firecracker bans

Following the sometimes massive attacks on police officers last New Year's Eve, the GdP police union has criticized the security concepts for the coming New Year. It is incomprehensible that there are no firecracker ban zones in several major cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, state chairman Michael Mertens told the German Press Agency. "When people are drunk and shoot firecrackers under the protection of an anonymous crowd, it becomes confusing and dangerous for the emergency services," warned Mertens. NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU), on the other hand, believes that the police are well prepared for the upcoming large-scale operation.

The Minister emphasized that the turn of the year is always a special challenge for the police and fire department. "Many people come together on the streets, celebrate, drink alcohol and shoot firecrackers. There are bound to be some chaotic people who get out of hand." The minister promised that the police would then take decisive action.

On New Year's Eve 2022/23, firecrackers and rockets were fired at police officers and rescue workers in several NRW cities, and stones were also thrown at the emergency services. At the time, Reul spoke of a "new dimension of aggression". Only very few of the perpetrators could be identified.

Trade unionist calls for firecracker bans in major cities

In response to this, the major cities in particular should have developed concepts for the respective hotspots together with the police, said police unionist Mertens. "Where there are firecracker ban zones, anonymous crowds cannot form and the situation cannot escalate." It is incomprehensible that several metropolitan areas do without them. "In many areas this year, the motto is once again: close your eyes and go on."

Hotspots at the turn of the year are traditionally the largest cities in the country. Cologne is reacting particularly strongly after the experiences of a year ago and for the first time has designated a large firecracker ban zone in the entire city center on the left bank of the Rhine, from the Rhine to the Ringen. This pursues two important goals, said city director Andrea Blome: "Less noise and particulate matter - better protection for emergency services."

Düsseldorf is much more cautious: as in previous years, the state capital is only banning fireworks in the old town - where the situation is particularly dangerous due to the narrow streets, according to the city.

Essen, Duisburg and Dortmund waive bans

Essen and Duisburg have completely dispensed with a local ban on firecrackers. "Attacks with fireworks on passers-by, emergency services and police officers occurred throughout Duisburg on New Year's Eve 2022/2023," the city of Duisburg announced. A local ban would also merely shift the problems to other parts of the city.

Dortmund has even deliberately lifted the ban on fireworks that has been in place for many years this time - for the first time since 2016, there are no special restrictions on pyrotechnics in the city. "The city of Dortmund is thus relying on the common sense of citizens and visitors, who have recently celebrated the turn of the year in the city center mostly peacefully," says the city.

Bochum has issued a ban on firecrackers for a single street where there were attacks on police officers with fireworks last year. In Münster, Domplatz, Prinzipalmarkt and the station forecourt are firecracker-free zones. In Bielefeld, celebrations around Sparrenburg Castle and on the boulevard at the main railway station are only allowed without fireworks. In Aachen, rockets are banned in the historic old town. In Krefeld, there is a ban around the zoo, where three years ago on New Year's Eve a sky lantern caused a devastating fire in the monkey house.

In general, the setting off of pyrotechnics near churches, hospitals, nursing homes and children's homes is prohibited nationwide.

Reul: Everyone contributes to a peaceful New Year's Eve

NRW Interior Minister Reul appealed to people to do something themselves to ensure a peaceful New Year's Eve. "It's not just the job of the police to ensure that things remain peaceful. Everyone who celebrates New Year's Eve contributes to a peaceful start to the year. I particularly appeal to young people not to get carried away," said the Minister.

The North Rhine-Westphalian police deployed 6,000 officers last New Year's Eve, 42 of whom were injured. In Bonn, several young people set fire to garbage containers and then threw pyrotechnics and stones at the fire department during their deployment. In Hagen, masked offenders set fire to a street barricade and threw fireworks at the arriving emergency services. In Essen and Bochum, police officers were targeted when they tried to prevent groups of people from firing rockets at each other.

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