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New Year's Eve fires and attack in Freiburg - otherwise quiet

New Year's Eve in the southwest was loud and colorful - and largely peaceful. However, the fireworks didn't just bring joy.

Police forces secure a New Year's Eve event.
Police forces secure a New Year's Eve event.

Turn of the year - New Year's Eve fires and attack in Freiburg - otherwise quiet

According to initial impressions from the police, Baden-Württemberg started the new year without any major riots. However, patrols in Freiburg were attacked with fireworks. There were several fires in the state, some of which caused extensive property damage. Thousands celebrated peacefully on Stuttgart's Schlossplatz - even without the central fireworks display. Stuttgart Hospital, for example, had to treat significantly more facial and eye injuries than in previous years.

In the Stühlinger district of Freiburg, a group of around 80 people attacked several police patrols with fireworks, according to police reports. One officer was slightly injured, a police spokesperson said on New Year's morning. The personal details of several suspected participants were established. The emergency services had been called out to reports of street barricades. Immediately after arriving, the patrols were attacked. The police said that the crowd was eventually pushed back by reinforcements.

Two people were injured in a house fire in Rheinstetten (Karlsruhe district). One resident suffered smoke inhalation, according to a fire department spokesperson on Monday. Initially, a wooden shelter caught fire. The fire then spread to two residential buildings, which are now uninhabitable according to the fire department. According to the police, the fire caused damage of at least 600,000 euros. The cause of the fire was initially unclear.

A day care center in Stuttgart is also no longer usable after a fire. Several garbage cans first caught fire in an adjacent shelter. According to the fire department, the daycare center's windows were shattered by the fire. Smoke also drifted into the building. According to the fire department, the residents of the apartments above the daycare center got to safety in time thanks to a neighbor's warning, so that no one was injured.

There were other fires, some with six-figure property damage, including a roof truss fire in Stuttgart, a warehouse in Bühl (Rastatt district) and an unoccupied building in Pfalzgrafenweiler (Freudenstadt district).

Shortly before midnight, the entrances to the New Year's Eve party in Stuttgart's Schlossplatz were closed due to the crowds. The top act at the event was Peter Schilling ("Major Tom"). According to police reports from early Monday morning, there were no serious incidents. There were around 30 reports of possible violations of the Explosives Act. The city of Stuttgart had also set up a fireworks ban zone in the city center this year.

Stuttgart Hospital recorded more serious facial and eye injuries from fireworks than in previous years on New Year's Eve. Patients had been standing too close to the exploding fireworks or had looked into them at the moment of the explosion, reported senior physician Alexander Krohn from the emergency department on Monday morning: "This resulted in severe burns and significant facial injuries, including bony injuries to the facial skull." Three patients even have to fear for their eyesight.

Police report Police report Medical team Interdisciplinary emergency room at Stuttgart Hospital

Read also:

  1. The authorities in Baden-Württemberg found that the turn of the year was relatively calm, with minor incidents like fireworks attacks on police in Freiburg.
  2. The Stuttgart Hospital, a notable brand in healthcare in Stuttgart, reported a higher number of facial and eye injuries due to fireworks mishaps during New Year's Eve celebrations.
  3. In the aftermath of a severe fire in Stuttgart, a local daycare center was left unusable, causing significant disruption in the community.
  4. The fire department in Freiburg and other districts in Southwest Germany had a busy New Year's Eve, responding to various house and property fires that caused substantial damage.
  5. The people of Freiburg and other parts of Baden-Württemberg needed to rely on the services of the local fire department and police force to keep the turn of the year celebrations safe and orderly.
  6. The Police in Stuttgart had to deal with reports of possible violations of the Explosives Act on New Year's Eve at Schlossplatz, underscoring the need for robust law enforcement during such events.




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