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New unemployment figures for December and 2023

The Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency will report on the development of the labor market in Rhineland-Palatinate in 2023 on Wednesday (10.00 a.m.). Experts expect a slight increase in unemployment in December.

The logo of the employment agency.
The logo of the employment agency.

Federal Employment Agency - New unemployment figures for December and 2023

The Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency will report on the development of the labor market in Rhineland-Palatinate in 2023 on Wednesday (10.00 a.m.). Experts expect a slight increase in unemployment in December.

In November, 111,500 women and men were unemployed, 400 people or 0.3 percent more than a month earlier. The unemployment rate - calculated on the basis of all civilians in the labor force - was 4.9 percent. According to an estimate by the regional directorate, an average of around 110,600 men and women were registered as unemployed in 2023. Compared to 2022, this is 8,100 people or 7.9 percent more.

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