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New Slip: Biden mistakenly presents Selenskyj at NATO ceremony as Putin

US-President Joe Biden mistakenly introduced Ukrainian colleague Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Russian President Vladimir Putin at a NATO ceremony. 'Ladies and Gentlemen, President Putin', said Biden about Zelenskyy on Thursday in Washington. The 81-year-old quickly corrected himself, as discussions...

US-President Joe Biden
US-President Joe Biden

New Slip: Biden mistakenly presents Selenskyj at NATO ceremony as Putin

He wanted to give the word now to the Ukrainian president, "who has as much courage as determination. My ladies and gentlemen, President Putin," said Biden, before he stepped down from the podium. The 81-year-old quickly realized his mistake, returned, and said: "He will beat President Putin. President Zelenskyy. I was so focused on beating President Putin."

After Biden's disastrous and chaotic performance in the television debate with his Republican presidential rival Donald Trump two weeks ago, he has been closely watched in his every statement. The oldest president in US history, who is 81 years old, is confronted with an increasingly heated debate about his physical and mental fitness for the presidency - even within his own party.

  1. Despite the Lapsus in his speech during the NATO Ceremony, President Biden expressed his confidence in President Zelensky's ability to outmaneuver Vladimir Putin.
  2. The newfound blunder by Biden during the event sparked a renewed discussion about his readiness for the rigors of the US-President position.
  3. At the NATO ceremony, Biden mistakenly referred to Zelensky as "Zelenskyy," showcasing a minor error in the pronunciation of foreign names.
  4. The US-President's campaign team is facing scrutiny as criticism mounts over Biden's mental and physical capabilities, adding to the pressure.
  5. During the televised debate, Biden made a series of mistakes, which have put his campaign on the spot and fueled speculations about his candidacy.
  6. In Washington, political pundits are closely monitoring Biden's statements, searching for signs of weaknesses or strengths as the election nears, particularly in his relations with leaders like Putin and Zelensky.
  7. Amid calls for the establishment of a medical panel to examine the health of the US-President, Biden's slip-up during the NATO ceremony is further fueling these concerns, casting a shadow over his ability to lead the nation effectively.

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