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New residents at the zoo: Brown bears explore the enclosure

The brown bear ladies "Jojo" and "Flocon" walk through their new enclosure at Olderdissen
The brown bear ladies "Jojo" and "Flocon" walk through their new enclosure at Olderdissen

New residents at the zoo: Brown bears explore the enclosure

Two brown bear sisters have recently become new residents at Bielefeld's Olderdissen Zoo. The bears, named Jojo and Flocon, were introduced on Tuesday and can now be observed in their enclosure, as announced by the city of Bielefeld. According to the municipal zoo, the two female bears have settled in well since their arrival at the beginning of October.

The animals were born in the Swiss Juraparc Vallorbe in 2018. After they had outgrown their nursery, the zoo looked for a new home for them and found one in Bielefeld. The zoo there focuses on species that are or were native to Europe, such as the European brown bear. There is currently another member of the same species living in the bear enclosure: Max turned 30 this year.

The first step behind the scenes was to familiarize Jojo and Flocon with their keepers. Colleagues spent several hours with them every day in order to build up a familiar relationship with them, explained zoo keeper Andrea Günnemann. This has already allowed them to get to know the sisters' different characters: Jojo is very self-confident, while Flocon is a little more cautious. In the large enclosure, they both like to keep their distance - "but that's not unusual among siblings", said zookeeper Günnemann.


