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New record for balcony power plants

The number of balcony power plants in Germany has reached a new record: from April to June, 152,000 so-called plug-in solar devices were connected to the grid, 52 percent more than in the previous record period, the second quarter of 2023, according to the German Solar Industry Association...

Model of a mini solar system at the Intersolar trade fair
Model of a mini solar system at the Intersolar trade fair

New record for balcony power plants

Approximately 563,000 solar panel systems are registered at the Federal Network Agency according to the BSW. However, the actual numbers might be higher since there is a several-week registration deadline and some systems are not registered at all.

The industry anticipates an additional "booster" for rooftop solar systems due to the expected decision of the German Bundestag regarding the amendment of the Rent Law and the Apartment Ownership Law. Currently, tenants need the landlord's permission to install a solar panel system, while property owners may require approval from the homeowners association. Rejections can occur without valid reasons.

In the future, tenants and property owners should have a fundamental right to install a solar panel system. Solar systems should be considered a privileged measure and not easily denied. Similar regulations already apply to barrier-free renovations, burglar protection, or charging stations for electric cars.

Landlords and homeowners associations can still interfere in the question of how the systems are installed. However, the question of whether the system can be built at all should be fundamentally clarified.

The Federal Network Agency recently reported a record value of registered solar panel systems in Germany, surpassing the previous record. This new record is largely due to the increasing popularity of plug-in solar devices, such as balcony power stations.

The Bundestag's anticipated decision to amend the Rent Law and the Apartment Ownership Law could lead to a significant increase in balcony power plants, as tenants would no longer require landlord permission to install solar panels.

The Federal Network Agency expects that the number of registered solar panel systems will reach new record heights once the amendments are passed, further boosting Germany's position as a global leader in solar energy.

In light of these anticipated changes, the Federal Network Agency has emphasized the importance of streamlining the registration process for balcony power plants, to ensure that the record-breaking growth in solar energy usage is not hindered by bureaucratic red tape.

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