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New pair of sand cats move into Osnabrück Zoo

An addition to Osnabrück Zoo: the sand cats "Lilo" and "Stitch" are the new residents. Both have moved into the sand cat house, where a tomcat had last lived alone, as a spokeswoman announced on Tuesday. Following a decision by the European zoo association Eaza, the tomcat left the zoo and the...

Animals - New pair of sand cats move into Osnabrück Zoo

An addition to Osnabrück Zoo: the sand cats "Lilo" and "Stitch" are the new residents. Both have moved into the sand cat house, where a tomcat had last lived alone, as a spokeswoman announced on Tuesday. Following a decision by the European zoo association Eaza, the tomcat left the zoo and the young pair of sand cats moved in in November. The one-year-old "Stitch" comes from the zoo in Gdansk, while "Lilo", who was born in March, comes from the NatureZoo de Mervent in western France. Sand cats are small wild cats that are well adapted to life in the desert.

The two animals settled into separate areas for a few days and were then put together under the observation of keepers, biologists and veterinarians. "You always have to keep a close eye when it comes to small and big cats living together, especially when they are mostly solitary," explained zoological director Tobias Klumpe. The mood can suddenly change. "But we are very happy because the two seem to get on well." The seven-year-old unnamed tomcat who previously lived there has moved to the Lumigny zoo just outside Paris.

According to Osnabrück Zoo, the Eaza has several hundred species conservation programs for animal species outside their natural habitat. The aim is to ensure genetic diversity and build up a population that is independent of nature, a so-called reserve population. The coordinators of these programs know the entire population of the respective animal species in zoological institutions in Europe.

Read also:

  1. During their leisure time, many people in Lower Saxony often visit attractions like Osnabrück Zoo to observe diverse animal species, and now they can enjoy watching the new residents, Lilo and Stitch, the sand cats.
  2. The growth of the sand cat population in European zoos is being monitored by organizations like Eaza, which ensures genetic diversity and builds up reserve populations for various animal species, such as the ones living in Osnabrück Zoo.
  3. As part of the leisure activities in Osnabrück, families and individuals can visit the Osnabrück Zoo, which recently welcomed two sand cats from Gdansk Zoo and de Mervent NatureZoo in France, enhancing the zoo's diverse collection of animals.



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