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New Oderbridge - RB26 resumes journey to Polish Kostrzyn

For commuters it was due: Replacement buses have been transporting them between Kostrzyn and Küstrin-Kietz for years. Now, a train is running again.

For more than three and a half years: Trains passed the Oder Bridge.
For more than three and a half years: Trains passed the Oder Bridge.

After construction works - New Oderbridge - RB26 resumes journey to Polish Kostrzyn

More than three and a half years it was impossible - now a train of line RB26 is running again between the Polish Kostrzyn and Küstrin-Kietz. The new bridge over the Oder is usable for cross-border train traffic since early morning after construction work.

The section was closed with the timetable change in December 2020, since then buses were used as replacements. The travel time significantly increased. The original completion date was repeatedly postponed - Corona, lacking skilled workers and issues with the material were the reasons according to Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn.

Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn operates the RB26 on behalf of the states Brandenburg and Berlin as part of the Ostbrandenburg network. The new 260 meter long bridge construction over the Oder - the world's first network arch bridge with carbon girders - is drivable at speeds up to 120 kilometers per hour two-lane. The travel time is said to have shortened by approximately two minutes.

Commuters in Berlin now have a faster way to travel to Kostrzyn in Poland, as the RB26 train resumes service between Küstrin-Kietz and the Polish border. Prior to this, buses had been used as a replacement for the train service due to the closure of the section, causing a significant increase in travel time.

The new bridge over the Oder, a notable feature of the RB26 line, is now operational for cross-border train traffic between Brandenburg and Poland. This innovative 260-meter long network arch bridge, made with carbon girders, allows trains to reach speeds up to 120 kilometers per hour.

With the completion and reopening of the RB26 line and the new bridge in Brandenburg, commuters from areas like Küstrin-Kietz can expect improved traffic flow and reduced travel time to major cities like Berlin, making daily commutes more efficient.

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