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New leadership duo of the NRW SPD takes first political stock

The new tandem of Achim Post and Sarah Philipp has been leading the crisis-ridden NRW SPD for 100 days. Post, a member of the Bundestag, is also to be given a prominent position in the federal SPD.

The SPD logo at the party headquarters in Berlin.
The SPD logo at the party headquarters in Berlin.

Parties - New leadership duo of the NRW SPD takes first political stock

The new leadership duo of the North Rhine-Westphalian SPD, Achim Post and Sarah Philipp, will be taking stock of their political situation on Monday (12.00 noon) after 100 days in office. The press conference will also discuss the SPD's national party conference, which begins on Friday (December 8) in Berlin. The SPD state executive has nominated Post, a member of the Bundestag, for the office of vice-chairman of the federal party.

The NRW SPD is the state association with the largest number of members and is usually represented in the leadership of the federal SPD. Former SPD state chairman Thomas Kutschaty has been a member of the ranks of federal party vice-chairmen since 2021.

Post, who is also chairman of the NRW SPD state group in the Bundestag, and Duisburg state parliament member Sarah Philipp (40) were elected as the first dual leadership of the state party at a party conference at the end of August.

The NRW SPD had slumped to a historic low of 26.7% in the 2022 NRW elections. According to a WDR poll from the beginning of November, the SPD is currently only at 18% - four percentage points less than in the previous poll.

NRW has been governed by CDU-led coalitions since 2017. Since May 2022, Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has led the first black-green alliance in the state's history.

Press release

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