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New law: Commissioner expects more naturalizations

The new citizenship law comes into force. Foreigners can obtain a German passport more quickly.

A certificate of naturalization from the Federal Republic of Germany (l) and a German passport lie...
A certificate of naturalization from the Federal Republic of Germany (l) and a German passport lie on a table.

Migration - New law: Commissioner expects more naturalizations

The Thuringian Commissioner for Migrants, Mirjam Kruppa, expects an increase in naturalizations of migrants in Thuringia due to the newly regulated citizenship law. "Among the foreign people in the Free State, the number of those who formally meet the requirements for naturalization is increasing," Kruppa stated on a Wednesday. This particularly applies to the large group of refugees who entered Germany in the years 2015 and 2016. These individuals not only met the minimum residency requirement for naturalization. "Many of them have integrated well into professional and family life in Thuringia," so Kruppa. The German citizenship is for them the logical step towards integration.

The new citizenship law comes into effect on a Thursday (27. June). According to this new regulation, immigrants can acquire German citizenship faster. Naturalizations are possible after five years instead of the previous eight, and in cases of "special integration achievements," even after three years. Dual citizenship is generally allowed, which Kruppa welcomed. "This law adjusts to reality."

The number of naturalizations in Thuringia had already reached its highest value since the turn of the millennium in 2023. According to earlier statistics from the Statistical Office, 1605 residents of Thuringia received the German passport in the previous year. Compared to the year 2022, this meant an increase of around 18 percent. This development is estimated by the authorities to be mainly due to the growing number of naturalized migrants from Syria. With 835 persons, they formed the largest group of new German citizens, followed by Iraqis (95 persons) and Ukrainians (90).

PM Statistical Office 26.4.24

  1. Mirjam Kruppa, the Thuringian Commissioner for Migrants, anticipates that more migrants in Thuringia will naturalize due to the updated citizenship law.
  2. The new German citizenship law, which takes effect on June 27th, allows immigrants to acquire citizenship faster, with naturalization possible after five years, down from the previous eight, and in some cases, even after three years for exceptional integration achievements.
  3. In 2023, the number of naturalizations in Thuringia reached its highest level since the turn of the millennium, with over 1600 residents of Thuringia obtaining German citizenship, a significant increase of approximately 18 percent compared to the previous year. The largest group of new German citizens were Syrians, followed closely by Iraqis and Ukrainians.

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