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New large heat pumps use river water and data centers

Fight against global warming: Many private houses have heat pumps now.There are even XXL versions of them available. Who benefits from this?

The Gemeindewerke Großkrotzenburg intend to install a river water-large heat pump - similar to this...
The Gemeindewerke Großkrotzenburg intend to install a river water-large heat pump - similar to this one in Berlin.(Archival image)

Energy - New large heat pumps use river water and data centers

Hessen uses large heat pumps in the fight against climate change, which utilize waste heat from industries or other sources. Studies show enormous potential for these installations, as stated in a query from the FDP-Landtagsfraction.

Hessen's Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD) responds: "Large heat pumps can primarily be used in district heating and industry." According to a rough calculation, they could produce a total of 15.3 Terawatt-hours (TWh) of heat in these two sectors in the state by 2045. For heat production, approximately 5.1 TWh of additional electrical energy would need to flow in, Vice-President Mansoori added.

Water-Heat Pump planned

The number of large heat pumps (greater than 100 kW) planned or already in operation in Hessen is unknown, as their operators are not required to register the installations with a state agency. Mansoori mentioned several examples. For instance, the community utilities in Großkrotzenburg in the Main-Kinzig-District plan to install a water-source heat pump with a capacity of three times 1,500 kW.

In Hessen's largest city Frankfurt, according to the Economic Minister, there are several projects. "The 'Franky' project will go into operation in 2025 with two heat pumps, each with a capacity of 320 kW. Heat from a data center is processed there for the heating supply of a new building area," Mansoori explains. In the eastern part of Frankfurt, it is also planned to use the heat from a data center for district heating and heating for neighboring industrial plants and apartments.

Heating homes with Data Center heat

The waste heat of a future data center in Langen in the Offenbach district is also planned to be fed into the district heating network to supply several residential areas with heating and hot water.

The black-red state government has reserved 58 million Euros in the current European Regional Development Fund period for programs for innovative energy projects. Investments in heating projects including large heat pumps with up to 40% funding could be supported. Mansoori adds: "An information portal on high-temperature/large heat pumps is being set up on the website of the State Energy Agency."

Above 200 degrees

High-temperature heat pumps can generate temperatures of 200 degrees and more for the industry - with approximately double the efficiency compared to the direct use of electrical energy for process heat. "On the other hand, the high costs for the installations, lack of information, insufficient experience, and development needs of the technology," Mansoori explains. Nevertheless, in Hessen's energy-intensive industry, the first pilot projects "are in the planning stage."

  1. Despite the significant potential of large heat pumps in Hesse, the number of such installations in the state remains unknown, as operators are not mandated to register them with a state agency.
  2. In Wiesbaden, companies are exploring the use of heat from a data center for district heating and heating for nearby industrial plants and apartments, demonstrating the versatility of this approach.
  3. The SPD-led government in Hesse has allocated 58 million Euros for programs supporting innovative energy projects, such as funding for heating projects, including large heat pumps, with up to 40% support.
  4. In the fight against climate change, Hesse is also considering utilizing river water for heat pump operations, as the community utilities in Großkrotzenburg plan to install a water-source heat pump with a capacity of three times 1,500 kW.
  5. Companies in Hesse's energy-intensive industry are working on pilot projects for high-temperature heat pumps, which can generate temperatures of 200 degrees Celsius and above with approximately double the efficiency compared to the direct use of electrical energy for process heat.

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