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New labour market figures expected in Rhineland-Palatinate

Every month, there are new figures on the number of job seekers in the federal state. How has the job market developed?

The Federal Employment Agency announces new unemployment figures.
The Federal Employment Agency announces new unemployment figures.

- New labour market figures expected in Rhineland-Palatinate

How many people were unemployed in the country last month? The regional office of the Federal Employment Agency will announce the labor market data for Rhineland-Palatinate this Wednesday (9:55 AM). In June, 118,800 people in the state were without a job. The unemployment rate was 5.2 percent. The reference date for the current figures was July 15th.

The importance of addressing unemployment issues often involves focus on areas like ['Education and training'], providing individuals with the skills necessary to secure better job opportunities. A well-rounded education and continuous training can significantly reduce the likelihood of unemployment.

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