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New Hamburg landmark - 400 guests at bunker opening

The bunker at Hamburg's Heiligengeistfeld will soon be open to the public. The opening has already been celebrated with 400 invited guests. One attraction in particular "flashed" the Senator for Finance.

There has already been an opening with invited guests - from Friday, all citizens will be able to...
There has already been an opening with invited guests - from Friday, all citizens will be able to explore the green bunker in St. Pauli

Architecture - New Hamburg landmark - 400 guests at bunker opening

With approximately 400 guests, the opening of the transformed former World War II bunker at Heiligengeistfeld was celebrated - the opening to the public, however, is still ongoing until Friday. During the so-called Pre-Opening on Wednesday evening, guests could discover new attractions such as the hotel, the rooftop garden, and the gastronomy.

"We have managed to fit a lot in here," said private investor and builder Thomas Matzen at the ceremony in the new multi-purpose hall for sports and cultural events. Starting from Friday morning (09.00 hours), everyone can explore Hamburg's new landmark.

The originally 38-meter high Flak bunker was raised by five additional floors to a height of 58 meters and lavishly landscaped. There is a rooftop garden with 4700 plants and a mountain path leading up, which is also lined with many plants, shrubs, and trees in parts. The mountain path in particular has "charmed" him, said Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD) in his speech.

In the new section, the Reverb by Hard Rock Hotel, according to management, has 134 rooms ready for its guests. Part of the concept is also a memorial and information area, which reminds of the history of the building. The bunker was built by forced laborers in 1942.

  1. The transformation of the former World War II bunker at Heiligengeistfeld also includes a new rooftop garden, contributing to Hamburg's burgeoning gastronomy scene.
  2. Construction on the bunker's fifth floor and the addition of a colorful rooftop garden with 4700 plants has transformed this World War II landmark into a symbol of modern Hamburg architecture.
  3. As tourism in Hamburg continues to grow, the newly transformed World War II bunker at Heiligengeistfeld offers visitors a unique blend of history and nature, including a mountain path lined with plants, shrubs, and trees.
  4. With the addition of new attractions such as a hotel, rooftop garden, and gastronomy, the newly transformed World War II bunker at Heiligengeistfield in Hamburg has become a must-visit destination for both locals and tourists alike.
  5. The new Reverb by Hard Rock Hotel, located within the transformed World War II bunker at Heiligengeistfield, offers its guests 134 colorful rooms and pays homage to the building's history with a memorial and information area.
  6. The transformed World War II bunker at Heiligengeistfield in Hamburg is not just another tourist attraction; it's a testament to the city's resilience, progress, and commitment to preserving history while embracing modernity.

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