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New Frankfurt district: important decision in 2024

A new district in the north-west of Frankfurt has been under discussion for several years. How are the plans progressing? A major decision could be made in the first half of 2024.

"Stop the construction project of the city of Frankfurt" is written on a sign.
"Stop the construction project of the city of Frankfurt" is written on a sign.

Municipalities - New Frankfurt district: important decision in 2024

Plans for a possible new district in the north-west of Frankfurt could take a step forward in the coming year. "Regional support is expected to be decided in the first half of 2024," Frankfurt's Head of Planning Marcus Gwechenberger told Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Talks are currently underway with the Darmstadt Regional Council regarding the planned district. The area on which the district is to be built is in the immediate vicinity of the neighboring municipalities of Oberursel, Steinbach and Eschborn.

Projects of this size always have to be coordinated with the region, said the head of department. "I hope that I will receive feedback in the first half of the year as to whether we can continue planning here." If this is the case, however, it will still be a long time before the district is completed. "This is a project that, if I get the go-ahead, will keep us busy for the next 20 years."

The so-called "district of districts" has been under discussion in Frankfurt - and in the surrounding area - for several years. As things currently stand, almost 7,000 apartments for around 17,000 residents could be built on the area east of the A5. According to Gwechenberger, 4,000 jobs, three secondary schools, leisure facilities and new parks are also being considered. The area could also be connected to the existing public transport network with relatively little effort.

According to the information provided, agriculture is to be further developed on the western side of the highway, for example for broader regional organic production. In earlier times, further housing was also planned to the west of the A5. There had been opposition to this in the neighboring municipalities of Steinbach and Oberursel, which have to approve the plans as part of the regional assembly.

Information from the city on the planned district

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