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New Dutch head of government Schoof is sworn in

More than seven months after the victory of the right-wing populists in the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, King Willem-Alexander swore in the new government on Tuesday. The successor to long-time Prime Minister Mark Rutte is former intelligence chief Dick Schoof, who wants to...

Dick Schoof used to be head of the secret service
Dick Schoof used to be head of the secret service

New Dutch head of government Schoof is sworn in

The anticipated parliamentary election in November saw the right-wing PVV of Geert Wilders emerge as the winner. Wilders originally intended to become the prime minister himself, but his anti-Islam and Euroskeptic views complicated the formation of a coalition. In mid-March, Wilders announced his resignation from the position of prime minister. Subsequently, the PVV, the Farmers Party BBB, the liberal VVD, and the new Anti-Corruption Party NSC reached an agreement on coalition building.

Geert Wilders, the leader of the PVV, achieved the highest number of seats in the Netherlands' parliamentary election. Despite Wilders' aspirations to serve as the head of government, his divisive stance on Islam and the EU made coalition formation challenging. King Willem-Alexander later appointed Mark Rutte, the head of the VVD party, as the new prime minister, bypassing Wilders. This decision came after Wilders' resignation from the position of potential prime minister in March. The new coalition, consisting of the PVV, BBB, VVD, and the NSC, agreed upon cooperation following the parliamentary election.

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