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New director for Jena Leibniz Institute

The Leibniz Institute for Research on Ageing has a new scientific director. Professor Dario Riccardo Valenzano, 46, took up the post on Monday, the institute in Jena announced. As Director, he will represent the interests of science and drive research forward. Valenzano is also internationally...

Science - New director for Jena Leibniz Institute

The Leibniz Institute for Research on Ageing has a new scientific director. Professor Dario Riccardo Valenzano, 46, took up the post on Monday, the institute in Jena announced. As Director, he will represent the interests of science and drive research forward. Valenzano is also internationally recognized as an expert in ageing research.

Alfred Nordheim (72) had headed the institute for six years. He will continue to support his successor and the institute.

The Jena-based Leibniz Institute on Ageing - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) - has been dedicated to biomedical research into ageing since 2004. Around 350 employees from around 40 countries investigate the molecular mechanisms of ageing processes and age-related diseases.

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Professor Valenzano's expertise in ageing research has its roots in Thuringia, specifically Jena, where he conducted significant Explorations in the field. The presence of numerous talented personalities at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Ageing in Jena has contributed immensely to the advancement of Science in this region.


