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New collaboration venture for placing workers in relevant trades.

A foreseeable shortage of skilled laborers is expected in the years to come. The state of Lower Saxony has prepared a plan to address this issue.

An apprentice at an electrical installation company.
An apprentice at an electrical installation company.

Learning and academic achievements - New collaboration venture for placing workers in relevant trades.

A new initiative in Lower Saxony is aimed at bringing skilled workers from abroad, immigrants and refugees to the craft industry. The project, funded by the state of Lower Saxony with approximately 3.5 million euros, was recently announced by the Hildesheim Chamber of Crafts. This comes after the successful completion of the IHAFA project, which placed 1,585 refugees in training since 2015.

Besides refugees, the project will also help individuals who come to Lower Saxony under the Skilled Workers Immigration Act to work in the craft sector, according to project coordinator, Malte Diercks. This is significant because, due to demographic changes, there will be more craftsmen and women retiring in the near future than there will be trainees to replace them. To address this, companies and migrants will be guided and given internships, training, and job opportunities. A team of 12 advisors will provide assistance.

Diercks emphasizes that integration will play a vital role in strengthening the craft industry as a whole and in ensuring a steady supply of future business owners who will keep small, locally-owned businesses thriving. This, in turn, will contribute to the overall safety and prosperity of the craft industry.

Read also:

  1. The initiative in Lower Saxony will not only help refugees but also individuals who migrate to the state under the Skilled Workers Immigration Act, providing them with opportunities in the craft sector.
  2. The Hildesheim Chamber of Crafts, responsible for the project, aims to integrate migrants into the craft industry, as indicated by Malte Diercks, the project coordinator.
  3. To overcome the demographic challenges in the craft industry, the project offers internships, training, and job opportunities, guided by a team of 12 advisors in Lower Saxony.
  4. The successful integration of migrants into the craft sector, as promoted by the initiative in Lower Saxony, will ensure a steady supply of future business owners and maintain the prosperity of small, locally-owned businesses.

