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New citizenship law an important step for Touré

A new citizenship law comes into force on Thursday: Schleswig-Holstein's Integration Minister Touré is happy with it for one reason in particular.

Aminata Touré (Alliance 90/The Greens), Integration Minister in Schleswig-Holstein.
Aminata Touré (Alliance 90/The Greens), Integration Minister in Schleswig-Holstein.

Migration policy - New citizenship law an important step for Touré

Schleswig-Holstein's Integration Minister Aminata Toure sees the new State Citizenship Law as an important step towards a modern immigration country. "People who have been living and working here for a long time can now naturalize faster and no longer have to give up a part of their identity for it," said the Green politician in Kiel on a Wednesday. "This brings the state citizenship law in line with the reality of life for many people in Germany."

According to the new law, there is a claim to naturalization now after five years instead of the previous eight, provided that all conditions are met. For special integration achievements, foreigners can become Germans already after three years. Conditions for faster naturalization include good school performance or a job, good language skills or voluntary engagement. And, what may be even more important for some potential applicants: Dual citizenship is generally allowed.

"We have great interest in more people naturalizing, but we also see the additional burden for the already heavily burdened naturalization authorities," said Toure. The implementation must be made more digital and less bureaucratic to accelerate procedures and relieve the authorities. "It's encouraging that the municipalities have significantly strengthened the naturalization authorities in particular in the last months." This provides much better conditions for implementing the new state citizenship law in practice.

Law for the Modernization of the State Citizenship Law

  1. Aminata Toure, the Integration Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, highlighted the significance of the new State Citizenship Law in Germany, stating that it aligns with the lives of many individuals living and working in the country.
  2. The Nationality Act in Germany has been amended, allowing individuals who have resided and worked for five years to naturalize, reducing the previous requirement of eight years.
  3. Under the new migration policy, foreigners with exceptional integration achievements can become Germans in just three years, provided they meet all necessary conditions.
  4. The amended Nationality Act in Germany now allows for dual citizenship, which could be a significant consideration for potential applicants seeking naturalization.
  5. The Bundestag, Germany's federal parliament, is essential in implementing and modifying such nationality law changes, ensuring that they are in line with the country's migration policy.
  6. Aminata Touré, the Green politician from Schleswig-Holstein, emphasized the need to digitize and streamline the naturalization process, reducing bureaucracy and accelerating procedures, as the state experiences an increase in migration and naturalization applications.

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