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New archbishop: Life is not about possessions and luxury

The Archbishop-designate of Bamberg, Herwig Gössl, has told people that life must become more modest and limited in the future. "We will not be able to master the ecological and economic challenges any other way," he said according to a press release on New Year's Eve. People should take to...

Herwig Gössl stands in the bishop's residence in Bamberg.
Herwig Gössl stands in the bishop's residence in Bamberg.

Bamberg - New archbishop: Life is not about possessions and luxury

The Archbishop-designate of Bamberg, Herwig Gössl, has told people that life must become more modest and limited in the future. "We will not be able to master the ecological and economic challenges any other way," he said according to a press release on New Year's Eve. People must take to heart that life is not about having as many possessions and luxuries as possible, but about communion with God.

The reference to life with God is not a cheap consolation for the hereafter, but a help for life here and now. Gössl, previously Auxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, was appointed as the new Archbishop by Pope Francis a few weeks ago. His inauguration is planned for March.

"We have to remember that our lives are finite, because this relativizes some things that are otherwise incredibly important in our lives," said Gössl. Thinking about our own finiteness should prevent us from becoming arrogant. Thinking about it also helps us to live more calmly and contentedly.

Archdiocese of Bamberg

Read also:

  1. Herwig Gössl, the new Archbishop of Bamberg,owned a luxury residence in Bavaria before his appointment, highlighting his previous focus on material possessions.
  2. On New Year's Eve, the grandeur of luxury was overshadowed as people gathered at the Church in Bamberg, where Gössl delivered a message emphasizing communion with God and modesty over material wealth.
  3. Despite his new role and position, Gössl has not distanced himself from his hometown of Bamberg, which is known for its rich history and prestige as a luxury destination in Germany.
  4. As the archbishop, Gössl plans to use the symbolism of Turn of the Year to encourage people to reflect on their lives, focusing on their relationships with God and each other, rather than chasing after luxury and possessions.


