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Netanyahu to speak at US Congress on July 24th

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is scheduled to address the US Congress on July 24. This visit allows Netanyahu to convey his government's stance on safeguarding its democracy, combating terrorism, and fostering a fair and enduring peace in the region, according to Republican...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu to speak at US Congress on July 24th

In the past, US news sources claimed that Netanyahu would address Congress possibly within the week. However, this clashed with Netanyahu's office's claim denying the Israeli media reports. Important figures from both the Republicans and Democrats in the US Congress had invited the Israeli PM to deliver a speech at a joint session.

According to Mike Johnson, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate, Netanyahu's visit signifies the unwavering bond between the US and Israel.

Despite major disagreements in opinion, Chuck Schumer, the Democratic majority leader in the Senate, decided to invite Netanyahu. He declared that although they differ greatly, he extended an invitation as America's partnership with Israel is unbreakable and rises above any person or prime minister.

The US has long been an ally of Israel. The current administration has upheld its support for Israel since the war in the Gaza Strip broke out due to a massive rocket strike by Hamas in October, providing the country with military assistance. As the humanitarian crisis intensified due to the conflict, Biden has become increasingly critical of Israel's military activities.

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