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Nearly six million Lower Saxon residents are eligible to cast their ballots.

In the upcoming European elections this Sunday, a number of MEPs hail from Lower Saxony. This year's contest presents a unique aspect.

European flags fly in front of the EU Commission headquarters.
European flags fly in front of the EU Commission headquarters.

Upcoming elections in Europe - Nearly six million Lower Saxon residents are eligible to cast their ballots.

Approximately 6.4 million residents in Lower Saxony are eligible to partake in the European election today. Polling stations will be open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, as per the state's election commission's guidelines. Mailing in ballots is also an option for those unable to visit these areas.

For the first time in German history, those aged 16 and 17 will have the privilege of voting in a European election. Previously, the minimum age was set at 18. This shift now grants around 138,000 individuals in Lower Saxony the opportunity to engage in their first experience with voting in such an event.

In the 2019 European election, the CDU emerged as the most powerful force in the state with a total of almost 30% of the votes. The Greens stood in second place, securing 22.6%, while the SPD claimed 20.9%. A total of 96 German MPs were elected to the European Parliament, nine of them representing Lower Saxony.

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The upcoming Europe-wide elections will also involve residents of Bremen, as they too are eligible to vote. Lower Saxony and Bremen, located in the northwest of Germany, are both federal states participating in these European elections. The polling stations in Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony, will be bustling with activity on this Sunday. Various political parties, such as the CDU, Greens, and SPD, are actively campaigning to secure votes in the European elections.

