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Naval inspector now Officer of the Legion of Honor

High distinction for the Inspector of the Navy: Vice Admiral Kaack received the Order of the French Legion of Honor in Kiel.

Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack (l) and Admiral Nicolas Vaujour shake hands.
Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack (l) and Admiral Nicolas Vaujour shake hands.

Awards - Naval inspector now Officer of the Legion of Honor

Marine Inspector Jan Christian Kaack is now an Officer of the French Legion of Honor. The Chief of Staff of the French Navy, Admiral Nicolas Vaujour, awarded the 61-year-old Vice Admiral on Tuesday evening on board the sail training ship "Gorch Fock" in the Kiel Naval Base, as a Marine spokesperson announced on Wednesday. The Legion of Honor is the highest French decoration.

According to Marine reports, the decision on who receives the Order is made only by the currently serving French State President. In Kaack's case, his merits in the Navy and as Inspector, as well as his engagement in German-French cooperation, were acknowledged.

  1. Jan Christian Kaack, a native of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, was awarded the prestigious Legion of Honor by the Chief of Staff of the French Navy, Admiral Nicolas Vaujour, during a ceremony held on board the sail training ship "Gorch Fock" in Kiel Naval Base.
  2. The Legion of Honor, France's highest decoration, was bestowed upon Vice Admiral Kaack in recognition of his significant contributions to the French Navy and his role as Marine Inspector.
  3. Kaack, who is now an Officer of the French Legion of Honor, has been commended for his dedication to German-French cooperation alongside his work in the Navy.
  4. Personal details about Vice Admiral Kaack, including his age of 61, were revealed during the announcement of his award on Wednesday.
  5. The French State President, the authority responsible for deciding who receives the Order, acknowledged Kaack's merits in the Navy and his efforts in promoting defense cooperation between France and Germany.

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