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NATO summit: Stoltenberg continues to see the USA as a "strong" ally

Despite doubts about President Joe Biden's leadership qualities, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg continues to see the USA as a strong ally. "Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the USA will remain a strong and reliable NATO ally," said Stoltenberg in Washington on Wednesday...

Stoltenberg in Washington
Stoltenberg in Washington

NATO summit: Stoltenberg continues to see the USA as a "strong" ally

Stoltenberg also expressed concerns about a possible withdrawal of the USA in case of a victory of ex-President Trump against Biden in November. The main criticism of Trump in his first term was not against NATO itself, but against allies who did not pay enough, said the Norwegian.

Now a "record number" of 23 NATO members have fulfilled the NATO requirement of contributing at least two percent of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) towards defense, Stoltenberg confirmed. Ten years ago, it had only been three.

The heads of state and government of NATO want to decide on further military aid for Ukraine in the Russian attack war in Washington. Stoltenberg spoke of a "considerable package". It includes, among other things, a new Patriot air defense system of the USA, which Biden announced at a ceremony on Tuesday for the 75th anniversary of the Alliance.

With a previously already delivered third Patriot system from Germany and pledges from other countries, NATO now wants to deliver five systems. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had demanded seven Patriot batteries, two more than promised.

The Alliance has also put new aid in the amount of 40 billion Euro in perspective for Kiev, but a membership invitation is not planned. At the margins of the summit, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) wants to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a bilateral conversation, according to Berlin's information.

On Wednesday, there is first a meeting of the North Atlantic Council in the circle of the 32 NATO countries. In the following, representatives from partner countries such as Moldova and Georgia are to meet. In the evening, there is a dinner of the heads of state and government on invitation from Biden.

Stoltenberg shared his concerns about a potential USA withdrawal from NATO if former President Trump wins against Joe Biden in November. Trump's main criticism of NATO during his first term was directed towards its allies not contributing enough financially.

Despite this, Stoltenberg announced that a record number of 23 NATO members have now fulfilled the 2% GDP defense contribution requirement, a significant increase from the three members a decade ago.

The NATO leaders are set to discuss further military aid for Ukraine in the face of the Russian attack war at a meeting in Washington. Stoltenberg described the planned aid as a "considerable package," which includes a new Patriot air defense system from the USA, as announced by President Biden.

With Germany's provision of a third Patriot system and pledges from other countries, NATO aims to deliver a total of five Patriot systems to Ukraine, although President Zelenskyy had requested seven.

Stoltenberg also mentioned a potential 40 billion Euro aid package for Ukraine, but a membership invitation was not on the table. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to meet with Zelenskyy for a bilateral conversation on the sidelines of the summit.

The NATO summit itself will continue on Wednesday, beginning with a meeting of the North Atlantic Council, followed by discussions with partner countries like Moldova and Georgia. The day will conclude with an evening dinner hosted by President Biden.

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