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NATO summit: F16 fighter jets for Ukraine and billions in aid

At the NATO summit in Washington, the allies launched new aid for Ukraine. According to information from Wednesday, the NATO partners began with the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Kiev. A new military aid package of 40 billion euros is also ready for decision. US President Joe Biden called...

An F-16 fighter jet in Israel
An F-16 fighter jet in Israel

NATO summit: F16 fighter jets for Ukraine and billions in aid

Ukraine is expected to have "F-16 combat jets ready for action" this summer, as Denmark and the Netherlands announced in Washington. The transfer of the aircraft is taking place with the support of the US, both countries declared.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed this news and declared that a "fair and lasting peace" for his country is getting closer. A coalition led by the Netherlands and Denmark had already offered Kiev the combat jets about a year ago, but the delivery kept getting delayed.

NATO countries have not disclosed how many fighter jets will go to Kiev for security reasons. Zelensky had previously stated that his country needs around 130 F-16 jets to establish parity with Russia. Western allies have so far pledged fewer than a hundred combat jets to Ukraine.

The alliance is also planning to approve new military aid for Kiev in the amount of 40 billion Euros. Diplomatic sources indicate that, according to the draft of the summit declaration, contributions since January of this year will be included, meaning the eight billion Euros from Germany as well. The partners plan to review the aid at the next NATO summit in The Hague next year.

In Washington, NATO countries agreed on a stronger formulation regarding a possible Ukrainian membership in the military alliance. Diplomatic sources indicate that the allies now see Ukraine on an "irreversible path to full European-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership." Scholz stated that this would provide the necessary "clarity" for Ukraine.

The expected invitation to NATO membership for Zelensky will not be given in Washington again. The main reason is the concern of the US and Germany for a confrontation with Russia.

Sharp reactions from Moscow could be provoked by another announcement: The US plans to station long-range weapons in Germany again from 2026. Among them should be Tomahawk missiles and hypersonic weapons, which are still being developed. The United States had previously stationed such long-range weapons in Germany in the 90s.

Scholz expressed readiness to take on more responsibility in NATO as Germany's largest European NATO country. "We will live up to this responsibility," he assured.

The outgoing NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg sees the US, despite the debate about the ailing Biden, as a strong and reliable NATO ally. "Independent of the outcome of the US elections, the US will remain a strong and dependable NATO ally," the Norwegian emphasized, who will hand over the post to the former Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte on October 1.

Biden mastered his first appearances at the NATO summit without incident. In a speech on 75 years of NATO, he tried to correct the catastrophic image of his TV duel against former President Donald Trump on Tuesday. All eyes are now on the closing press conference, which is expected on Thursday at 23:00 MESZ. Biden must speak freely there, which he is accustomed to.

At the edge of the summit, Scholz conducted some bilateral talks, including with Zelenskyy. The chancellor agreed on close cooperation with the new British prime minister Keir Starmer, as stated in a press release.

  1. The USA and the Netherlands, along with Denmark, have been instrumental in preparing 'F16 fighter jets' for Ukraine's defense forces, announcing this in Washington.
  2. The transfer of 'F-16 combat jets' to Ukraine is backed by the US and is expected to strengthen Ukraine's security against Russia.
  3. Volodymyr Selensky, the Ukrainian President, expressed gratitude to the Netherlands and Denmark for their offer of 'F-16 jets' and declared that peace for his country is closer.
  4. The delivery of 'F-16 fighter jets' was initially proposed by a coalition led by the Netherlands and Denmark to Ukraine about a year ago, but the process was delayed.
  5. NATO countries have kept the number of 'F-16 jets' to be provided to Ukraine a secret for safety reasons, as Zelensky previously mentioned the need for around 130 such jets to reach parity with Russia.
  6. Germany, as the largest European NATO country, will contribute its share towards the new military aid of 40 billion Euros for Ukraine, as announced at the NATO summit.
  7. Ahead of the NATO summit in The Hague next year, the partners have agreed to review the aid provided to Ukraine, which includes 8 billion Euros from Germany since January this year.
  8. Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, has pledged to uphold Germany's responsibility as a NATO 'partner' and echoed the allies' view of Ukraine's 'irreversible path to full European-Atlantic integration.'
  9. The NATO summit in Washington also saw discussions on potential US plans to station 'long-range weapons' in Germany again from 2026, sparking concerns in Russia.
  10. At the closing press conference of the NATO summit, Joe Biden is anticipated to speak freely, seeking to correct his image following the controversial television duel against former President Donald Trump, which dominated international headlines.

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