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NATO defense officials hold talks on aerial protection for Ukraine.

Brussels-based NATO defense ministers will convene on Thursday to discuss improving Ukraine's air defense in response to Russian threats, as Germany's Boris Pistorius (SPD) urges allies for greater assistance to Kiev. Ukraine requests a minimum of seven Patriot systems, and while Germany has...

NATO chief Stoltenberg and Hungarian head of government Orban (r.)
NATO chief Stoltenberg and Hungarian head of government Orban (r.)

NATO defense officials hold talks on aerial protection for Ukraine.

At a two-day defense minister gathering taking place before the NATO summit in Washington in four weeks, Hungary has been known for opposing a stronger role of Europeans in handling Ukraine assistance. Following a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg revealed that an agreement has been reached. Orban is seen as one of Russian President Vladimir Putin's closest allies within the EU.

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