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Nationwide warning strikes and large demonstration in front of the state parliament

Before the third round of collective bargaining for the public sector in the federal states, things are set to get loud and clear once again. NRW-wide warning strikes and a large demonstration in front of the state parliament are planned.

A participant blows a horn during a demonstration for the nationwide education strike day.
A participant blows a horn during a demonstration for the nationwide education strike day.

Collective bargaining round - Nationwide warning strikes and large demonstration in front of the state parliament

Renewed warning strikes and a large demonstration in front of the Düsseldorf state parliament are intended to increase the pressure once again ahead of the third round of collective bargaining for the public sector in the federal states. Verdi, the education union GEW and the police union have called for participation in a rally on Tuesday morning (11.00 a.m.) in Düsseldorf and a demonstration to the NRW parliament. Verdi boss Frank Werneke and the chairman of the civil servants' association dbb, Ulrich Silberbach, plan to speak at a large demonstration at midday.

According to reports, state employees from university hospitals, universities, the judiciary and the state administration are planning to take part in state-wide warning strikes. In the current wage dispute, Verdi and the dbb civil servants' association are demanding a 10.5 percent wage increase from the federal states, but at least 500 euros more. The employers of the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL) reject the demands as unaffordable. The third and possibly decisive round of negotiations begins this Thursday in Potsdam.

There have already been several warning strikes in recent weeks. At the same time as the onset of winter, around a third of the workforce at Straßen.NRW has also been called out on strike this time. As a result, road users will have to expect uncleared roads and black ice in some places, the state operator announced in advance.

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