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Nationwide teacher warning strike on Tuesday: emergency care

With a nationwide "education strike day", the GEW trade union wants to put pressure on collective bargaining in the public sector. Parents and children have to be prepared for some school absences.

"Warning strike!" is written on a
"Warning strike!" is written on a

Nationwide teacher warning strike on Tuesday: emergency care

Teachers in Saxony have called for a state-wide warning strike on Tuesday. The GEW trade union wants to use the "Education Strike Day" to put pressure on collective bargaining in the public sector of the federal states. Numerous schools have called on parents to leave their children at home if possible. However, emergency childcare will be provided. University employees have also been called to strike.

In addition to Berlin, Hamburg and Karlsruhe, there will be one of four central strike rallies nationwide in Leipzig. According to GEW spokesperson Matthes Blank, teachers from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia will be traveling there in 40 buses. That is around 2000 people. Other teachers could also come to the demonstration on their own via the Leipziger Ring.

The concrete effects of the warning strike are difficult to assess, said Blank. The GEW knows of schools that will only offer emergency care. However, it is also possible that individual lessons will be canceled during otherwise regular classes.

There are around 33,000 teachers at state schools in Saxony. According to GEW, around two thirds of these are salaried and one third are civil servants. Civil servant teachers are not allowed to strike.

The next round of collective bargaining with the federal states is planned for December 7 in Potsdam. Among other things, the unions are demanding a 10.5 percent pay rise, but at least 500 euros. Trainees are to receive 200 euros more per month. Salary increases for around 2.5 million employees are being negotiated nationwide.

Despite the planned emergency childcare, many schools in Saxony might need to cancel some lessons due to the teacher strike. Universities across the country are also joining the demonstrations, aligning with the education sector's call for better wages and working conditions.




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