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Nassauische Heimstätte presents balance sheet

With around 60,000 apartments, the state-owned Nassauische Heimstätte is the largest housing association in Hesse. On Monday, it will present its 2023 balance sheet and provide an outlook.

Nassauische Heimstätte also invests in new buildings
Nassauische Heimstätte also invests in new buildings

Residential construction - Nassauische Heimstätte presents balance sheet

Hessen's largest housing company, Nassauische Heimstätte, presents its annual results for 2023 on Monday (13:00) in Wiesbaden. The Nassauische Heimstätte/Wohnstadt (NHW) group, which is mainly owned by the state, is chaired by Hessian Economics Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD). At the balance sheet press conference, there will also be an outlook on the modernization of the housing stock and prospects for new buildings.

The NHW generated a surplus of around 22.9 million Euros in 2022. 489 new apartments were completed, approximately the same number as in 2021. According to its own statements, the NHW offers around 60,000 rented apartments at 113 locations in Hessen. Around 30% of these are subsidized housing.

  1. The annual result presentation highlights the Nassauische Heimstätte's successful construction of 489 apartments in Wiesbaden, Hesse's largest housing association.
  2. One of the key areas of focus for the Nassauische Heimstätte, chaired by Hessian Economics Minister Kaweh Mansoori, is residential construction in the city of Wiesbaden.
  3. The Nassauische Heimstätte's quarterly figures indicate a strong performance in both modernizing the existing housing stock and initiating new construction projects in the region.
  4. In the upcoming balance sheet press conference, the Housing Association of Nassau (NHW) plans to discuss the annual result for 2023 and share updates on their housing construction projects in Hesse, including the state of subsidized housing developments in Wiesbaden.

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