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Naked and groundbreaking: Modigliani's image of women in Stuttgart

View of the Neue Staatsgalerie in
View of the Neue Staatsgalerie in

Naked and groundbreaking: Modigliani's image of women in Stuttgart

They lie exposed, looking sadly at the painter and the viewer with their elongated oval faces, swan necks and almond eyes. The Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) became world-famous for his female nudes, which were once considered scandalous. The sensual bodies and unconventionally enraptured beauty of his female protagonists can be seen in a special exhibition at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart over the coming months.

While they once caused an uproar, the museum wants to show in what it claims is the first Modigliani exhibition in 15 years that the nudes were much more than mere paintings of naked women. Rather, the painter was a chronicler of the growing female self-confidence of modern women in the years before and during the First World War. "In line with the latest research, it is clear that Modigliani did not degrade his models to objects, but approached them in a relationship characterized by equality," judges the Staatsgalerie. His portraits of female writers, fashion designers and artists - many with short hair and in men's clothing - also reveal his eye for this "new woman".

"Modigliani. Modern Views" will be on display in Stuttgart from Friday until March 17, 2024 with around 50 paintings, sculptures and drawings - including mainly nudes and portraits. In collaboration with the Museum Barberini in Potsdam, the Staatsgalerie is also juxtaposing his works with works by artists such as Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Egon Schiele, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Gustav Klimt.

Modigliani died of tuberculosis in Paris in 1920, aged just 35, after suffering from lung disease for many years. During his short career, he created numerous masterpieces as a painter, draughtsman and sculptor. During his lifetime, Modigliani was only marginally successful and plagued by financial worries. Today, his female nudes are traded for enormous sums.

Visitors to the Statesgalerie Stuttgart can expect to see Modigliani's groundbreaking exhibitions focusing on art, specifically his female nudes and portraits of influential women. These works, showcased in the exhibition "Modigliani. Modern Views", challenge traditional norms and celebrate the growing self-confidence of modern women.

As part of this comprehensive exhibition, Modigliani's art will be contextualized with works from notable artists such as Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Egon Schiele, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, and Gustav Klimt, providing a fresh perspective on Modigliani's innovative style and its impact on the art world.


