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Mysterious case: Young woman found without memory

A young woman with no memory is currently keeping the Lübeck police busy. Passers-by had already found the woman, aged between 18 and 20, lying on the sidewalk in Dorfstraße in the St. Jürgen district of Lübeck on Monday, the police reported on Thursday. The woman had been lying on the ground...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

Lübeck - Mysterious case: Young woman found without memory

A young woman with no memory is currently keeping the Lübeck police busy. Passers-by had already found the woman, aged between 18 and 20, lying on the sidewalk in Dorfstraße in the St. Jürgen district of Lübeck on Monday, the police reported on Thursday. The woman had been lying on the ground next to her bicycle on Monday and was conscious but unresponsive. She was taken to hospital, said the spokesman.

According to the police, the woman had no memory of the incident at the time. She has also not been able to give her name, the spokesman said. As the woman had neither identification papers nor a cell phone or keys with her, there are no clues to her identity so far.

According to the police, the unknown woman is between 18 and 20 years old, about 1.65 m tall and slim. She is reportedly wearing black jeans, a black hoodie, a black down jacket and white Chucks. The police are now looking for people who can provide information on the identity of the woman.

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