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My encounters with profuse perspiration

Excessive sweating A condition characterized by uncontrollable and excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis.

My experience with excessive sweating
My experience with excessive sweating

My encounters with profuse perspiration

For years, I've been dealing with my sweating problem, visiting different doctors in hopes of finding a solution. I never felt taken seriously, even when the diagnosis of hyperhidrosis was confirmed. This condition affects over 4.5 million people in Germany and Austria, but only a third of those affected seek medical help. Hyperhidrosis just isn't well-known enough.

My first doctor suggested it could be a psychological illness, but since I've been struggling with heavy sweating for years, I knew it couldn't be that. Other doctors examined me and confirmed my symptoms. They explained that this was a physical condition caused by excessive sweat production.

How did you cope with the diagnosis?

I was shocked but also relieved, as I finally had a reason for my issue. I was happy it wasn't a psychological illness because I'd always believed it wasn't. I was also happy to discover that it's a known condition affecting others. This made me feel at ease and decided to discuss my problem publicly, helping those who suffer from the same.

How did you handle the condition further?

I decided to stop hiding my issue and started showing it publicly. I adjusted my clothing to avoid touching my armpits. I also learned more about hyperhidrosis, trying to manage my symptoms better. I modified my diet to avoid overloading my body. I also learned about various treatment options, understanding my condition better.

How did you handle the public response?

I decided to share my experience with more people to help those suffering the same. I expressed myself on social media and even gave interviews, assisting others dealing with hyperhidrosis. I informed my family and friends about my condition, supporting them and giving them awareness.

How has hyperhidrosis evolved since then?

I evolved by learning more about hyperhidrosis and trying to control my symptoms. I tried different treatments to better understand my condition. I also focused on improving my quality of life by talking more openly about my problem and not hiding it anymore. This empowered me and turned me into a stronger individual.

How did you handle treatments?

I tested various treatments to understand my condition better and manage it better. I tried specially-designed antiperspirants for hyperhidrosis. I also tried iontophoresis and Botox treatments, which reduce sweating. I altered my diet to avoid overloading my body. I also gained more knowledge about the multiple treatment options available, finding the best one for myself.

What would you recommend to others with hyperhidrosis?

I would advise others with hyperhidrosis not to hide it and discuss it openly. I would also encourage learning more about hyperhidrosis and discovering the various treatment options. I would suggest connecting with others experiencing the same condition for mutual support and assistance.

He mentioned that it was natural and part of adolescent development. Despite this, I continued to consult him multiple times, hoping to communicate my issue to him. The phrase "hyperhidrosis" wasn't familiar to me at the time, so I couldn't pin the problem on the doctor. The condition was still rather unknown back then. As a result, folks around me kept insisting that I was making up my illness.

Had you initially received no medical assistance?

No, but I tried the traditional solutions for profuse sweating such as working out and drinking sage tea. None of them had an impact on me. Consultations with alternative healers, a dietary shift, armpit pads to insert inside shirts, or alternating showers were equally ineffective.

When did you feel like throwing in the towel?

Sometimes I almost wished to discontinue sharing my symptoms with physicians, but I couldn't stand the sweating. So, I persevered and persisted in visiting doctors, ultimately receiving a drug tailor-made for me at a pharmacy. Regrettably, it caused excruciating itching and burning under my armpits - with no alleviating effects.

What steps did you take after that?

Fortuitously, the internet had forums on hyperhidrosis. Other patients wrote about undergoing surgeries to remove sweat glands or sealing them by injecting neurotoxic substances. At first, these treatments were inappropriate options for me.

Did you have to deal with your hyperhidrosis alone for a while?

Yes. I would visit physicians every now and then, and undergo various tests. My bloodwork always checked out fine, and there might have been every test possible to uncover the cause. This is referred to as primary hyperhidrosis. Researchers are currently studying the genetic aspect of primary hyperhidrosis.

How did you ultimately manage to regulate your sweating?

Gradually, I learned that there are several medical or medicine-based treatment choices available - from locally and externally applicable pharmaceuticals to procedures - to moderate the symptoms of excessive sweating. My doctor informed me about the various treatments, as well as potential risks and side effects, and we found a workable, practical approach for me to manage my sweating.

I have my hyperhidrosis under control now, and no longer produce excessive sweat, which has drastically transformed my life. I can even purchase garments that appeal to me, not worrying about materials. I can also engage in exercise, like dancing. I used to steer clear of dancing before. Sometimes, I still reach for my oversized clothing in my closet out of habit. Then, I have to remind myself: You can wear other things too. Your sweating is under control. This also matters for my career. I work in consulting and give lectures as a freelancer. I wouldn't be doing any of this if the sweating was as intense as before. My path in life and relationships would be different.

What advice would you propose to those suffering from excessive sweating?

Since not all doctors are acquainted with hyperhidrosis, it's advisable to call their offices ahead and inquire if they're proficient with the condition. Ideally, they'd be specialists in it. For me, dermatologists were the most knowledgeable about this. It also aided me not to seek understanding from my surroundings, but to exchange ideas about hyperhidrosis online. That sense of belonging feels significant: I'm not the only one! And if the sweating seems strange to you, it's okay to ask for help.

For more information on hyperhidrosis, the pathological sweating condition, visit There, you'll also find a symptom check.

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