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MV unlikely to be affected by flooding - help for neighbors

While people were evacuated elsewhere, MV is likely to be spared the serious consequences of flooding. However, water levels are also rising here. Meanwhile, the state is helping elsewhere with material.

Forecast - MV unlikely to be affected by flooding - help for neighbors

Compared to the affected regions in eastern and northern Germany, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is likely to get off lightly with the current flooding according to the forecasts.

According to the State Office for Agriculture and the Environment (Stalu) in West Mecklenburg, the Elbe is expected to reach a level of more than five meters in Dömitz on Saturday, which would be alert level 1 of 5. This is expected for Boizenburg on Sunday.

According to the forecast, the peak is expected to pass Dömitz on January 2 at 5.70 meters and thus remain below alert level 2. In Boizenburg, the peak is also expected to be below alert level 2 at around 5.50 meters in the following two days.

According to Schwerin's Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD), the Stalu's flood reporting service will be manned once the alert level 1 is reached in order to monitor developments on the Elbe in MV around the clock and initiate further steps if necessary. "However, the dyke inspections in the fall showed that our protective facilities are in good condition. There are also currently no construction sites on the protection facilities that could represent weak points."

Meanwhile, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is helping its neighbors in Lower Saxony in the fight against flooding. The state is supplying a flood protection system with a length of 1000 meters as well as 330,000 sandbags, announced the Schwerin Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) on Thursday. After the material had been prepared from Wednesday evening into the night, it was to be deployed in Lower Saxony on Thursday.

The flood protection system is Aquariwa, a system for which barrels are set up and filled with water to form a dam. "We are responding to a request for assistance from Lower Saxony, who urgently need material to deal with the flood situation on site," explained Pegel. "I hope that the situation can be brought under control quickly."

On Thursday afternoon, the water level of the Elbe was reported to be around 4.10 meters in Dömitz and 3.80 meters in Boizenburg. In Dresden, the 6.00 meter mark was expected to be just under reached in the evening. Normal there is 2.00 meters.

Looking at the affected regions, the President of the German Fire Brigade Association, Karl-Heinz Banse, said: "We have a flood situation the likes of which we have not seen for many years." People had to be evacuated in various regions of eastern and northern Germany. In the Magdeburg area, the State Office for Flood Protection opened the approximately 135-metre-long Pretzien weir on Thursday under the gaze of hundreds of onlookers in order to divert water from the Elbe.

Information from Stalu Level list MV

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