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MV recruits junior staff for the prison system

Justice Minister Jacqueline Bernhardt (Left Party) wants to intensify the recruitment of new prison staff in the coming year. Two classes for general prison service training are to be set up each year. "This will double the number compared to the last two years," said the politician in Schwerin...

A judicial officer stands in a courtroom.
A judicial officer stands in a courtroom.

Justice - MV recruits junior staff for the prison system

Justice Minister Jacqueline Bernhardt (Left Party) wants to intensify the recruitment of new prison staff in the coming year. Two classes for general prison service training are to be set up each year. "This will double the number compared to the last two years," said the politician in Schwerin on Wednesday. It is already foreseeable that the wave of retirements will be greater in 2027. There will also be absences due to illness.

Irrespective of the question of whether the number of positions in the prison system is sufficient, there is already a shortage of staff to fill all existing positions. "The more people are trained, the better we will be able to rejuvenate and strengthen the teams in the prisons," said Bernhardt. "We will intensify our efforts to acquire applications. Advertising for new recruits will be more present at trade fairs, on the Internet and on the street."

Press release

Read also:

  1. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, law enforcement agencies are also looking to attract Young talent to help address staff shortages, with initiatives like the 'Justice Talent' program.
  2. The upcoming 'Justice Week' in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will see Jacqueline Bernhardt, the Justice Minister, meeting with potential recruits and highlighting the opportunities available in law enforcement for talented young individuals.
  3. Jacqueline Bernhardt, the Justice Minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has recently announced that she is reaching out to female talent in the field of law enforcement, in an effort to promote diversity and equal representation within the department.


