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Mützenich in favor of adopting the budget on time

Rolf Mützenich (l) and Jochen Ott arrive at the jetty in Duisburg
Rolf Mützenich (l) and Jochen Ott arrive at the jetty in Duisburg

Mützenich in favor of adopting the budget on time

SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich has spoken out in favor of passing the 2024 budget in the Bundestag as planned despite the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court. "At this point in time, we have a very strong interest in adopting the federal budget for 2024 next week," said Mützenich on Tuesday after a conference of federal and state SPD parliamentary group leaders in Duisburg.

The budget law is the "most important decision" of the year, emphasized Mützenich. The housekeepers had incorporated important changes into the draft. Above all, consumers should be able to rely on being able to benefit from a reduction in VAT on gas and heating in January and February. Social projects, voluntary services and the children and youth sector would also be strengthened. "Good decisions" have been made regarding parental allowance and funds for a reform of student grants have been set in motion.

"I want everyone to understand that we have a great responsibility not to make the uncertainty even greater," Mützenich made clear. Provisional budget management is "certainly not the best way" to create trust.

Mützenich called on the traffic light coalition in Berlin to stick together - particularly with regard to the FDP. "This alliance can survive if everyone in it behaves responsibly," said the SPD politician. He also appealed to FDP Finance Minister Christian Lindner to share responsibility for the next two years. Nobody knew how far-reaching the changes would be in this legislative period when the coalition was formed in 2021. "But to give up now in this situation, I would consider that negligent."

Last week, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in loans in the 2021 federal budget null and void. They had been approved to deal with the coronavirus crisis, but were to be used for climate protection and modernizing the economy. In the meantime, the Federal Ministry of Finance has blocked numerous items in the federal budget. The opinions of experts on whether the 2024 budget should be approved in this situation vary.

Despite the Constitutional Court's ruling, Mützenich stressed the importance of passing the 2024 budget, stating, "Household finances rely on the reduction in VAT on gas and heating being implemented in January and February, as it is incorporated in the budget." Further, Mützenich urged the traffic light coalition, including the SPD and the FDP, to collaborate responsibly, as "Finances for social projects, voluntary services, and the children and youth sector depend on this cooperation."




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