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Musk doesn't consider AfD's views as extreme.

billionaire Elon Musk, chief of Tesla and a major employer in Brandenburg, commended the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) after the European elections. Some label the party as right-wing extremist, yet Musk states, "The political stances of the AfD that I've read about don't seem...

Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, stands on the construction site of the Tesla Gigafactory.
Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, stands on the construction site of the Tesla Gigafactory.

Voting process - Musk doesn't consider AfD's views as extreme.

A German far-right party, the AfD, finished second in the country's European election and won the local elections in Brandenburg. Germany's domestic intelligence agency considers the AfD's state association a potential case of right-wing extremism. Meanwhile, Tesla, an electric car manufacturer, runs its only European factory in Gruenheide, near Berlin.

Elon Musk, Tesla's founder, supports conservative US political views. He decried alleged white racism and asserted that the US Democratic Party, led by President Joe Biden, endorses illegal immigration to manipulate elections. However, he overlooked the fact that immigrants need to become US citizens before they can vote. Last fall, Musk inserted himself in European politics, sharing a post expressing hope for an AfD win in the European vote.

On Sunday, Musk shared another post, once again expressing support for the AfD.

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