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Musician Bosse prefers to write his songs at home

There are authors and songwriters who need very special places to be creative. Hamburg musician Bosse is different. The 43-year-old doesn't even have to leave the house to do so.

The musician Axel Bosse sings at the "Rocken am Brocken" music
The musician Axel Bosse sings at the "Rocken am Brocken" music

Musician Bosse prefers to write his songs at home

Hamburg musician Bosse (43) doesn't need a special place with a view of the sea or the mountains for his creativity. "If I know why I'm writing a song, then I really prefer to write it at home," Axel Bosse told the German Press Agency in Hamburg. At home, he simply has everything exactly as he needs it, can take breaks at any time and there isn't the classic studio atmosphere. "And I can have a coffee here and there and still work with great concentration. It's a good balance of work and life."

Before creating a new album, the Braunschweig native spends a long time collecting ideas for it. "When I've recovered after an album and concert phase, I notice that I start to become receptive again. The outside becomes calmer and the inside begins. I write myself notes, I read a lot, I walk the streets, I meet some great people and have a good time. That's where the new album begins."

There are always songs that are more difficult for him. "It happens super often that I start something and then I get stuck for weeks and it doesn't get finished." In the meantime, however, he has become much more relaxed and can either throw a piece away completely or put it on a hard drive and look at it again months later. "In the past, I used to kind of go through the motions and sometimes really hold on to something for half a year that didn't end up on the album after all."

Other songs, on the other hand, take just two days to produce "and everything is there and everything is finished. It rarely happens, but it's nice." Bosse released his ninth studio album - "Übers Träumen" with 14 songs - at the end of October.

Bosse often finds inspiration for his songs while meeting various people in his everyday life. His new album typically starts taking shape after he takes time to recover, reads a lot, and interacts with interesting individuals.


