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Mushroom forager meets unfortunate end following bear assault in Slovakia

Approximately 1300 brown bears are believed to reside in Slovakia.
Approximately 1300 brown bears are believed to reside in Slovakia.

Mushroom forager meets unfortunate end following bear assault in Slovakia

In Slovakia, a brown bear took the life of a mushroom picker. The tragic event unfolded in the eastern part of the country, specifically within a forested area near the village of Hybe. A 55-year-old man, accompanied by another individual, encountered this deadly bear while foraging for mushrooms. According to a police spokeswoman, the details were shared by the "Sme" newspaper's online edition.

The rescue team, summoned by helicopter, managed to find the severely wounded man deep in the challenging terrain and lowered a medic to him using a winch. The report revealed that the bear had inflicted severe damage to the man's major artery in his lower limb during the attack, leading to extreme bleeding and ultimately a heart stoppage. Regrettably, the man lost his life before medical assistance could arrive.

This unfortunate incident marks the second fatal bear attack on a human in Slovakia within recent years. The previous event happened in 2021, also in the Liptov region, which lies in the eastern part of Slovakia. In this case, a young tourist from Belarus, aged 31, met a tragic end while attempting to evade a hazardous brown bear. Her fall from a cliff within Demánovska Dolina valley resulted in fatal head injuries. When the rescue team arrived, the bear was still present, causing further concerns. The crisis was resolved with the help of a service dog and a warning shot, effectively managing to drive the bear away.

Approximately 1,300 brown bears inhabit Slovakia. These creatures often prefer wild mountainous regions or dense forests. Owing to their behavior, several dozen bears have recently been granted authorization for hunting. The bears have either lost their natural fear of human beings or posed a threat to the citizens' safety, health, and property.

  1. Despite the increased number of bear-human encounters due to the bears losing their natural fear of humans or posing threats, the Slovak Republic continues to be home to about 1,300 brown bears.
  2. The Slovak Republic's environmental authorities have issued hunting permits for several dozen brown bears in response to their aggressive behavior towards humans and potential threats to public safety.

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