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Murder trial against 30-year-old begins in Oldenburg

A murder trial against a 30-year-old man for allegedly killing his former partner will begin on Tuesday (9.00 a.m.) at Oldenburg District Court. The defendant is accused of killing the woman with a knife, as the court announced in advance. The crime took place in Vechta in June. The...

Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.
Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.

Public prosecutor's office - Murder trial against 30-year-old begins in Oldenburg

A murder trial against a 30-year-old man for allegedly killing his former partner will begin on Tuesday (9.00 a.m.) at Oldenburg District Court. The defendant is accused of killing the woman with a knife, as the court announced in advance. The crime took place in Vechta in June. The "Oldenburgische Volkszeitung" newspaper writes that forensic experts found 98 stab wounds on the woman. A spokesperson for the regional court did not comment on this.

The public prosecutor's office is accusing the German of murder with malice aforethought and base motives. The accused is in custody. Trial dates have been set until the end of January.


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