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Murder trial after stabbing: Husband in court

He is said to have killed his wife one morning with several stab wounds - she was presumably still asleep when the attack began. The murder trial against the husband has now begun.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Regional court - Murder trial after stabbing: Husband in court

A 33-year-old man has been on trial at Baden-Baden district court since Thursday for allegedly killing his wife. The public prosecutor's office accuses him of stabbing his wife several times in the neck and upper body - with a small and a large kitchen knife - in their shared apartment in Gernsbach (Rastatt district) at the beginning of June this year. At the beginning of the attack, the 27-year-old is said to have been asleep. 14 stab wounds, some of them massive, led to a high loss of blood, so that the woman died. The accusation of the prosecution is treacherous murder.

At the start of the trial, the Afghan initially only wanted to comment on his living conditions. His defense lawyer read out his personal statement - an interpreter translated. However, according to the 33-year-old's defense lawyer, it is possible that the accused will also make a statement on the case at a later date.

The investigators assume that the couple were not alone in the apartment when the crime was committed. The woman 's mother-in-law and four underage children - the couple's son and three of the woman's daughters - were present. After the crime, the man fled, but was later caught on the street. He was remanded in custody.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the background to the crime has not yet been fully clarified. The couple is said to have had considerable marital problems. The accused had considered returning to his home country without his wife.

Four further main hearings have been scheduled until January. The taking of evidence is due to begin at the next hearing on December 5.

Press release from June 2, 2023

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